
Wismarer DIAlog | Jens Richter: Inside Out - Building Public Space

Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Jens Richter (Architekt und Partner bei estudio Herreros / Madrid): Inside Out - Building Public Space

Jens Richter
has been part of Herreros Arquitectos since its foundation in 2006. In 2010
he was appointed Director of the office, becoming the first partner of estudio Herreros in
2014. Jens Richter is the coordinator of the firm in all aspects and acts in the capacity of
official representative in any field.
Throughout his professional career as an architect and planner, Jens Richter has worked
in several internationally renowned practices in Germany, China and Holland, where
he has been responsible for the design of a wide range of architectural projects and
competitions in a myriad of cultural contexts.
Jens Richter has been an invited lecturer and critic at numerous universities and
institutions in Europe, North America and China, representing our firm in various forums
as a guest speaker.


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  • Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

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