Click and zoom in. Design by Ronja Wagler, 2024

Block 17

» Student club „Block 17“
Building 17 · Basement, side entrance

The student "party cellar" is independent and non-commercial. You can not only celebrate here, but also cooperate.

Café and snack bar

On the Wismar University Campus

Building 19a

Campus Open Air Wismar

» Campus Open Air Wismar » »

A day-long festival atmosphere on the Wismar university campus. Usually in autumn. Organised by the AStA, the general student committee of Wismar University.

Film Office MV

» Film Office MV

Everything on the subject of film. State Film Archive MV, Media Workshop Wismar and film events such as the Film Festival.

Bürgermeister-Haupt-Straße 51-53, Wismar


"Building 7d"

» Kai Barcafé

Generations of students have met, found each other and worked in the Kai Bar. Affectionately also called "Building 7d".

Right on the quay edge.
Alter Holzhafen 3, Wismar

University sports

» University sports
varied sports offer

There is also the possibility to take up additional sports courses or to offer further sports courses as an exercise instructor.


In addition to the » University Library, there is also the » City Library of the Hanseatic City of Wismar in the "Zeughaus". The Faculty of Design has also published a number of publications.

» Publications, Faculty of Architecture and Design, some are available in the university library.


» Akademischer Segelverein Wismar e.V.

Just use the location and sail along or join in completely.

Theatre Wismar

» Theatre of the Hanseatic City of Wismar

The Theatre of the Hanseatic City of Wismar is located on the grounds of Wismar University of Applied Sciences. It is also the venue for some of Wismar University's events, e.g. enrolment ceremonies or graduates' farewells.


Mensa Wismar »
Meals, snacks, hot and cold drinks.

Also on the Wismar university campus.
More about the » Student Union Rostock-Wismar Supports dining halls, student housing, student finance, social services including psychological counselling and legal advice.